Breaking barriers, building resilience for sustainable economic and financial inclusion.

    This initiative targets the empowerment of women and youth in underserved communities, focusing on sustainable financial inclusion.


    A transformative training program aimed at empowering 5 million
    Northern women and youths in Nigeria with essential digital skills over the next five years.


    The World Forum for Africa (WOFA) is a non-profit organisation that is single-mindedly committed to infrastructure development in Africa.


    A research-driven repository dedicated to provision of infrastructure development solutions across the African continent.


    Explore the 10 thematic areas that identify major revolutionary projects critical to Africa's infrastructure transformation, poverty eradication, and prosperity across the continent.

About us

The World Forum for Africa (WOFA) is a non-profit organisation that is single-mindedly committed to infrastructure development in Africa.  It is focused on inspiring the build-out of transformational infrastructure projects across Africa thus spurring what is perhaps the largest economic transformation in human history.

WOFA is essentially about helping to bridge the infrastructural gap across this great continent. It is determined to lead the continent’s infrastructure revolution through a Made in Africa initiative.

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Thematic areas

At WOFA SUMMIT, the speakers and panelists will be conceptualizing and identifying major revolutionary infrastructure projects as they relate to the pathway for Africa’s infrastructure transformation, poverty eradication and unleashing prosperity in the continent across these thematic areas:

Green Economy & Net Carbon Neutrality

Infrastructure development is decidedly the fulcrum for economic development. In the light of climate change challenges, however, it is important to build infrastructure with an eye on sustainability, resilience and compatibility with a net-zero future.

Girl Child & Women Education

The United Nations concede that investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth.


Digitisation and Technology

The third industrial revolution changed our world. It brought a rapid wave of digitization and technology breakthrough which transformed the way we work and play. This revolution ensured that the world transited from analog to digital, improving productivity in all areas of life.

Health Infrastructure

There is a clear and definite relationship between the health of a population and the state of development of a society. It is no wonder, health is considered part of a society’s capital stock as important as its physical capital. It is a human right.

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