All Thematic areas
At WOFA SUMMIT, the speakers and panelists will be conceptualizing and identifying major revolutionary infrastructure projects as they relate to the pathway for Africa’s infrastructure transformation, poverty eradication and unleashing prosperity in the continent across these thematic areas:
Green Economy & Net carbon neutrality
Infrastructure development is decidedly the fulcrum for economic development. In the light of climate change challenges, however, it is important to build infrastructure with an eye on sustainability, resilience and compatibility with a net-zero future.
Girl Child & Women education
The United Nations concede that investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth.
Digitisation and Technology
The third industrial revolution changed our world. It brought a rapid wave of digitization and technology breakthrough which transformed the way we work and play. This revolution ensured that the world transited from analog to digital, improving productivity in all areas of life.
health infrastructure
According to the experts improving the state of public primary health systems and boosting access to health care contributes to the speedy realisation of other developmental objectives such as economic development, labour productivity growth, responsiveness to innovation, and future oriented-ness.
Transport infrastructure
In this age, transportation is beyond the construction of roads, rails and ports, it is more about fostering innovation, improving the quality of life and boosting the supply and movement of labour, goods and services.
Industrialisation and Mining
Underneath the soil of the continent are mineral resources such as gold, diamond, cobalt, bauxite, iron ore, coal, copper, etc. These mineral resources are money-spinner in the international market. Commodity export is the heartbeat of Africa’s economy. Approximately, about 30% of the remaining mineral resources in the world are in Africa.
Power and Renewable Energy
Without a doubt, access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy is crucial to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals – from poverty eradication via advancements in health, education, water supply and industrialization to mitigating climate change. Energy is an indispensable ingredient in the infrastructure development mix.
Finance infrastructure
The elephant in the room is how do we fund infrastructure projects in Africa? Should government tax the millions of impoverished Africans who lived on less than $1.90 a day to meet up with the financing gap of $108 billion a year? Here are the available options:
Entertainment, Tourism, and Culture
Driven by its youthful demography, expanding internet connectivity, a growing array of connected devices, and massive investment, organized entertainment is thriving and flourishing in Africa.
Agro business and water infrastructure
Agriculture holds massive potential. Properly managed agricultural development can help reduce poverty, raise incomes and improve food security. We must also turn the spotlight on water infrastructure. Agriculture revolution will be a ruse without adequate water infrastructure.